
Welcome to our portfolio

console development and porting


A multi platform game, Epiphany was responsible for the PlayStations, XBOX releases. It was a great experience working so closely with Black Salt Games and Team17. 
Checkout this awesome game on Team17s site.

Fractured Minds

An award winning multi platform game highlighting issues with mental health. We were responsible for all console development and release and worked closely with Wired Productions


An awesome indi game, developed in flash, we ported this game to all consoles and it continues to sell on Switch. 

Town of Light

A award winning game, very difficult port. We worked with Wired Productions.

Tiny Troopers Joint Ops, XL and Zombie Editions

We worked on all the console adaptations and the latest PC release of the original game for Wired Productions.

Sherlock the Network
Mobile title large amounts of downloads throughout the world for a popular Television Production. We did the integrations for Tencent, the mini games and android. On this project we worked with the Project Factory.

In development

This section lists our in development projects


Cascade Studios, still a work in progress, a very exciting game. Here are some screen shots. Online multiplayer RPG.
